What new clients need to know

Small business is the backbone of America.

Small business is having a very hard time right now with the country on lock downs.  Working from home is really happening!
So, having a good website is more important these days than ever before.
Here are some important things you can do after you have your new website up and running. 

Keeping the content fresh. This the most important thing you can do to help your business website grow. A stagnate site does not do well in the SEO ranking analytics.  Adding pictures, texts, new info of any kind helps.  Daily or weekly is the best idea, but even if you can update with new info every month, it helps.

    • Answering your customers emails, phone calls, texts or any communication is just as important as the first one.   Getting good feedback from you customers is good news for your bottom line!
    • Keep adding reviews and / or testimonials.  These are wonderful for keeping your visitors coming. 
    • Marketing your site is still the most important thing you can do to keep your site visitors coming. Make sure you advertise, give out business cards, add your site to Google, Bing, and Yahoo Local (if applicable).  Add your site to directory listings, especially in you local area. 

Your web designer can only do so much to help you with things after the site is done.  You know your business, you know how much time you can give to to you site.   Your designer can help you with keeping your site fresh, updated and secure when you send them the new info!

Online business

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